
KSN Governance

Kinistin Saulteaux Nation (KSN) is a signatory to Treaty Four and Treaty Four Grounds 77 (shared with 32 other First Nations). The main reserve is Kinistin 91 and includes a subsection of Kinistin 91 A. Presently, the KSN Chief and Council are elected under Section 74 of the Indian Act terms and conditions. The KSN council consists of one Chief and five councilors, elected every two years. While the election of the Council is subject to the terms and conditions of the Indian Act, Council governs more collectively and collaborative with the community. The elected council is mandated to set the vision and strategic direction of programs and services, all band affairs that impact the band, and to ensure citizens get the full benefit of their inherent and treaty rights. Economic and health prosperity is a priority.

Through a portfolio system, the Council strives to enhance the quality of life for all band members, both on and off-reserve. Advisory and recommendation committees, consisting of family representation from the community guide the work of the portfolio councilors. In this spirit of community engagement and collaboration, KSN Chief and Council are tasked to, but not limited to, setting and approving budgets, and setting and adopting policies that provide direction for administration staff.

The KSN Council and citizens know that the Creator put us here as Nakawayweninwak and gave us laws that govern all of our relationships, so that we may live in harmony with nature and all mankind. The creator gave us Mother Earth to nourish all our needs so that we can live in prosperity and in turn, we respect and care for Mother Earth. We shall practice our rights, responsibilities, and sacred obligations from generation to generation. As citizens of our Nakawe Nation, we recognize our collective and individual rights, but collective rights of our lands and natural resources shall always supersede the individual rights of our Nation.